Meeting Minutes

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President Richard Horner called the meeting to order around 12:03 PM.

Members: President Richard Horner, Marsha Bjornn, Joseph West, Jerry Merrill, and Tim Solomon.
Visitors: Lamont Merrill (Sugar City), Jon Weber
Administrative Support: Terry Butikofer and Caitlin Larson

Approval of Meeting Minutes
President Horner asked for the approval of the August 8th minutes.
Joseph West moved. Tim Solomon seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Washington School District
It was briefly mentioned that the project for Washington School District is approximately 90% completed.

Potential North Interchange
President Horner reported on Wal-Mart. There may be some earth work done after November, but the plans are not yet put together and the building permit needs to be received through the City.

A projection of revenue stream is still needed including new businesses that may be moving into the district.

Terry relayed that the Rexburg City Council approved the Eligibility Report. The Agency can now begin making a Plan for the area and next year will determine the land coverage in meetings with the City, Sugar City, and the County.

The purchasing of Squires home will be included as an activity in the North Interchange Plan.

Hearings will need to be held for the land determinations and district plans.

Public Hearing on the 2015 Budget
President Horner opened the public hearing at 12:15 PM and read through the budget. Jerry Merrill clarified that the North Interchange budget was estimated to be $4,000,000. Washington School District was again mentioned with 2017 as its last tax year and 2018 as its planned closeout year. With no objections or concerns, the public hearing was closed at 12:20 PM.

President Horner read Resolution 2014-7. Tim Solomon moved to approve the Budget Resolution. Jerry Merrill seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Website Development Review
Joseph West reviewed requirements for the website as well as aspects that he thought should also be included. President Horner encouraged him to touch base with EZ Net Tools as a resource. A Request for Proposals will need to be written for IT services regarding the website design and maintenance.

Annual Report and Ledger Discussion
Terry asked for comments about the previously created Annual Report document. Joseph West mentioned needing to include the Tennis Courts and Waterpark in the new document.

No date was set for the next meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 12:47 PM.

Minutes submitted by: Caitlin Larson