Meeting Minutes

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Vice Chairman Joseph West called the meeting to order around 12:10 PM and extended a welcome Katie Cook.


Members: Vice Chairman Joseph West, Tim Solomon, Rex Erickson, Marsha Bjornn and Doug Hancey.

Visitor: Kimber Ricks (Madison County)

Administrative Support: Terry Butikofer, Katie Cook, and Caitlin Larson

Approval of Meeting Minutes

Joseph West asked for the approval of the November 3, 2014 minutes.

Tim Solomon moved. Jerry Merrill seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Washington School District

Terry Butikofer reviewed RFP process for selling the land around the 2nd west 1st north corner, including the Wilcox home on the West side and the County house.

Discussion occurred about the reuse value and its purpose. If the agency wants to sell the property at a lowered price to help a developer, it must be at least at the reuse value. Rex Erickson commented again on his concern that the property becomes flipped, or sold again for higher profit.

The agency can place restrictions on the property when selling it. For instance, it could specify a purpose of use for the land when sold. The main discussion was about IF the agency wants to restrict or add requirements to the sale. Tim Solomon mentioned that the agency must be aware of planning and zoning laws and be sure to abide by them. The planning and zoning laws would take care of enough restrictions to keep the land from being used for unethical purposes.

Another concern was about leaving the land to become blight again if the owner did not develop it after so many years.

The agency will check with Ryan Armbruster about specific restrictions that can be placed on the property sale, with the understanding that although no specific restrictions are in place now, they may be added before the completion of the final RFP. The Agency will also seek confirmation that the City has donated the ownership of the homes to Rexburg URA to be sold together with other property in the area.

Tim Solomon motioned to move forward with the creation of the RFP for the sale of land and buildings. Rex Erickson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Potential North Interchange District

Terry Butikofer suggested that a discussion be started on creating the district plan. Kimber Ricks guessed that the Transportation Plan will be completed the end of summer.  Not much has been done to further the progress. The goal is to have the district created by summer 2015, before June. Doug Hancey asked about details on the district area, including design plans. The project is to widen and improve the road from 2nd east to US-20 as well as down Moody Road. There may also be a bridge across 5th West. Owners of Ag-related properties need to sign off to allow the district to be formed because taxes of their land will go to the urban renewal district.

Kimber Ricks explained some of the results found from the transportation study. He spoke about the bottle necks and crisis centers on 2nd East. The East Parkway Corridor will not be implemented. Horrocks Engineers of Idaho Falls is coordinating the transportation study- Kelly Hoopes is heading.  He reviewed the steps of performing the transportation study.

Terry encouraged the Agency to speak with the representatives of Rexburg City, Madison County and Sugar City to finalize the area that will be included in the new district. Kimber Ricks stated that the County’s concerns lie within the scope and the timing. He stated that the County is supportive of the district except for the 5th east river bridge and the area north of the interchange. The County wants a projected tax increment to use as a basis for judging the timing of projects within the new district.  If the district is made too large, it is possible that before enough income is received to build the bridge, the district may already be closed.

The Agency is concerned with finishing the creation of the district before the end of the year with such slow progress of planning. Terry suggested that the Agency select a few members as a subcommittee to work with other entities and start making conclusions based on the speculated opinions of the engineers. This needs to happen before the summer.

Rex Erickson posed concerns about making the district before other taxing entities were identified in addition to Walmart. Discussion determined that making a district in general is a risk, but it worked successfully with the North Interchange area.

Administrative Items

Website RFP for development update

Terry Butikofer presented the updated Request for Proposal for website development. EZ Net Tools is not interested in involvement. Deloram, PBJ (Bryan Williams), and Trent Gardner at The Dealio were suggested as companies to approach for bids.

Rex Erickson asked why the agency needs the website. Jerry Merrill suggested that the main reason to have a website is for transparency to the public. Everyone can see what the Agency is involved in and how it functions. It will help to keep the agency’s identity separate from the City. Joseph West suggested that the website can become the institutional memory of the Agency. New board members and public can see what has been done in the past.

Tim Solomon motioned to move forward with the invitation to bid. Marsha Bjornn seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 23, 2015. Tim Solomon moved to adjourn.

Minutes submitted by:   Caitlin Larson