Meeting Minutes

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Chairman Richard Horner called the meeting to order around 12:10 PM


Members: Chairman Richard Horner, Tim Solomon, Jerry Merrill, Richard Smith, Doug Hancey and Rex Erickson

Visitors: Todd Smith, Kimber Ricks and Jon Weber (Madison County Commissioners)

Administrative Support: Katie Cook

Approval of Minutes

Richard Horner asked for a motion to approve the meeting minutes from June 24, 2015 which were sent to the Board prior to the meeting.  Tim Solomon motioned to approve the meeting minutes, Jerry Merrill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Approval of Invoices


2016 Tentative Budget

Richard Horner presented the 2016 tentative budget to the Board (see handout provided at the meeting).  Richard Smith motioned to approve the 2016 preliminary budget, Tim Solomon seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Potential North Interchange District

Richard presented a map to the Board (see handout provided at the meeting) which will be the final map used to put the final plan together.  There are 2 landowners that have not signed on for the Urban Renewal District.  Sakotas and Browns.  Their attorneys are telling them not to sign on because of the possibility of eminent domain.  The Brown property is all of the ground that surrounds Wal-Mart, so it is crucial to the district that they sign on.   Richard Smith has had some interaction with the Sakotas and is willing to sit in on a meeting with them and hopefully their attorney can be present of on the phone.  Financially it makes more sense for them to be part of the district.

The Jepson property on the east side of the Yellowstone Highway will no longer be included in the District due to some personal issues that keeps them from agreeing to be part of it.  This would impact the potential S-curve in the future.  The district can be amended once, so if the need arises in the future, the district can be changed to add that property in.

It was discussed that the projections given for the growth was provided by a study done by Wal-Mart consistent with what has been typical in Idaho.  Some concern was given regarding the large amount of money the URA would borrow and what would happen if the project does not grow as anticipated.  Projects will be scaled back if the growth does not happen as planned.  Second East is the priority for traffic flow.

Richard Horner reviewed the Plan that has been prepared for the Rexburg URA by Elam & Burke (see handout provided at the meeting).  He has made some changes to the Plan and will submit those to the attorney.


The next meeting was set for August 4th which will be the budget hearing.  Richard will be sure to publish 2 notices in the newspaper.  The meeting was adjourned about 1:45.

Minutes submitted by:   Katie Cook