January 4, 2018 Meeting Minutes

Rexburg Redevelopment Agency

Meeting Minutes- January 4, 2018

Rexburg, Idaho


Members: Chairman Richard Horner, Robert Chambers, Randall Porter, Doug Hancey, and Brad Wolfe.

Visitors: Judy Hobbs, Dave Ogden, Joel Gray, Mayor Jerry Merrilll, Scott Johnson, Craig Rindlisbacher, and Matt Nielson.

Administrative Support: Katie Cook


Chairman Richard Horner called the meeting to order at 12:10 PM

Administrative Items

Approval of Minutes

Chairman Richard Horner asked for a motion approve the meeting minutes from August 17, 2017 which were sent to the Board prior to the meeting. Brad Wolfe made a motion to approve the meeting minutes, Robert Chambers seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Approval of Invoices

Chairman Richard Horner presented a few invoices to the board. The first invoice is from Washington School District to the City of Rexburg for the outstanding in the amount of $428,000.00 to be paid as the funds become available once the property has been sold.  This was not paid as funds are not yet available.  The second invoice is from the North Highway District for the Riverside Park Parking lot in the amount of $48,000.00 that can be paid once the Urban Renewal Agency’s taxes are in and they can evaluate what will be leftover in funds after bond payments. Randall Porter made a motion to authorize paying the $48,000.00 as the funds become available. Doug Hancey seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The third invoice for approval is for the widening of the road North of Walmart in the amount of $234,735.72 to be paid now as well as the fourth invoice from the Downtown Center Street Project in the amount of $987,200.00. Robert Chambers made a motion for approval to pay the invoices for the widening of the road north of Walmart and the Downtown Center Street Project. Brad Wolfe seconded the motion for the approval of the invoices and it passed unanimously.

Review of Financial Status

Richard Horner gave a printout of the current status of each district, but it was not discussed.

North Highway District


Washington School District

Chairman Richard Horner proposed that the Urban Renewal Agency re-issue an RFP and move forward with a new RFP due to Corey Sorensen not being able to get the investors together for his proposed project. Doug Hancey made a motion to move forward with a new RFP. Randall Porter seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.  Richard will put the RFP together.

Downtown District

Scott Johnson presented the board with a handout addressing parking opportunities downtown. There was much discussion on why and where to locate a parking garage in downtown Rexburg. As part of the discussion the Allen House to the north of Beehive Credit Union on Center Street has come available for sale and it is proposed that the URA buy that house for the property and future development of a parking garage. There is much discussion on how this would be beneficial. Robert Chambers made a motion for the Urban Renewal to negotiate the purchase of the Allen House not to exceed $500,000.00. Randall Porter seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

University Boulevard District


North Interchange District

Joel Gray addressed the board with an update on the construction within the district. There is discussion on a sidewalk being constructed from Moody Road to Walmart. No decision was made on whether they would move forward with putting in a sidewalk.

General Discussion

Open Discussion


Executive Session


Next Meeting Date and Adjournment

The next meeting is to be held on January 25, 2018 at 12:30 pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:40 P.M.

Minutes submitted by:   Lainee Trost

Approved by:   Board on ______________



Richard Horner, Chair