June 7, 2018 Rexburg URA Minutes

Rexburg Redevelopment Agency

Meeting Minutes- June 7, 2018

Rexburg, Idaho



Members: Richard Horner, Randall Porter, Joseph West, Doug Hancey

Visitors: Justin Beard (of the city), Brent Barrus (of Sugar City), Jerry Merrill (Mayor of Rexburg), Craig Rindlisbaucher, Mike Jensen (Developer) with 3 associates, Matt Nielsen, Golden Tawzer

Administrative Support: Katie Cook



Chairman Richard Horner called the meeting to order at 12:00PM

Approval of Meeting Minutes:

The Chairman opened the floor to approve the meeting minutes from the May 10, 2018 meeting. Randall Porter moved to approve the minutes and Joseph West seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Washington School District

A resolution to terminate revenue allocation area (resolution #2018-2) was brought before the board. This would terminate the revenue area but would leave the district and the current funds at the disposal of the board. Doug Hancey moved to approve resolution #2018-2 and Joseph West seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.

Mike Jensen and his associates presented their plan for the medical center. They suggested creating a place where several different aspects of health and wellness combine together in the same facility of one or more buildings. The biggest concern with the developer and the board is making sure there is enough parking for the building(s). The community care center wishes to have the facility up and running in 18 months. Doug Hancey moved to indicate to the Community Care that the Urban Renewal is willing to move forward with the sale of the property. Joseph West seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Downtown District: N/A

North Highway District: N/A

University Boulevard District

Next week a bid request will be sent to the papers and then contractors will bid on what will it will cost to create a sidewalk from Yellowstone Highway all the way to Rexburg Motor Sports and to the High school. It will only be on one side of the road.

North Interchange District

The project to alter the roads on 2nd East, North of the Railroad with 5 lanes and a sidewalk is moving forward with the alterations. The board discussed the possibility of widening the sidewalk to 10 feet to accommodate bicycles or to create a bike lane on the road.

General Discussion: N/A

Next Meeting Date and Adjournment

Joseph West moved to adjourn the meeting and Randall Porter seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 1:10 PM. The next meeting will be 12:00 PM 26 July 2018.

Minutes submitted by: Hannah McDonald

Approved by:   Board on ________________________


Richard Horner, Chair