Rexburg Urban Renewal Agency

Meeting Minutes – September 24th, 2020

Rexburg, Idaho



Members: Richard Horner, Tisha Flora, Douglas Hancey, Randall Porter, and Tracy Peterson via Zoom

City: Scott Miller

Visitors: Noah Phethean, Skylar Jenks, Bron Leatham via zoom, Luke Evans.

Administrative Support: Katelyn Bischoff from ECIPDA


Chairman Richard Horner called the meeting to order.

Administrative Items

The July 22nd, 2020 meeting minutes were motioned to be approved by Douglas Hancey and second by Randall Porter. The motion was approved with all members saying “Aye.”

The below invoices were motioned to approve by Tisha Flora, and second by Douglas Hancey. The motion passed with all member saying “Aye.”

  1. Elam & Burke: $446.90
  2. ICRMP: $1,573.00
  3. Elam & Burke. P.A.: $20.00
  4. Elam & Burke. P.A.: $2,771.00
  5. Standard Journal: $521.40
  6. East Central Id. Planning & Dev.: $1,514.75

North Highway District:

The board discussed the Grover property and explored options that would allow the City to widen the road. Options were discussed like whether to list the property with stipulations, tear down the property, build a retaining wall, or to renovate and rent the property. The board concluded to list the property with the stipulation of the house being torn down and to save as much greenery as possible. The motion was made by Douglas Hancey and second by Tisha Flora. All members voted “Aye.”

Washington School District:

Bron Leathan and Skylar Jenks presented the plans for the apartment complex project. There will be 96 total apartments with 8 studio apartments, 72 one bedroom apartments, and 16 two bedrooms. The apartments will be four floors with a basement level. There are 137 stalls in the apartment lot for parking. The first level will be ADA compliant. There is also a retail section near the apartments of 5,000 square feet. They hope to get the project under way in the spring of 2021. The board voted to extend the exclusive right to negotiate agreements for two more months with a motion by Randall Porter and a second by Douglas Hancey. The motion passed with all members voting “Aye.”

Downtown District:

The board discussed the need for more parking in the downtown district. The idea of a parking structure was discussed again and how it would be paid for by taxes. Another option that was discussed was a hotel downtown as well. There is a hotel that is interested in this option. The board is still waiting to continue with Bernie Jenson on with the project because of the COVID setbacks.

North Central District:

The board looked through the map of the district and the district plan. Project for this district would include projects such as the 7th N 5th W sewer line, purchase of the fair grounds to allow the fair grounds to be moved, and other projects as seen in the public improvements list with estimated costs seen in the exhibits in Resolution 2020-05. A motion to accept the plan was made by Tisha Flora and second by Tracy Peterson. All members voted to approve with an “Aye.”

Next Meeting Date and Adjournment

The next meeting is scheduled for some time in the next two months.


Minutes prepared and submitted by Katelyn Bischoff

Approved by:  Board on ___________________________________________


Richard Horner, Chair