Rexburg Urban Renewal Agency

Meeting Minutes – December 1, 2020

Rexburg, Idaho


Members: Richard Horner, Douglas Hancey, Williams Riggins, via Zoom Tisha Flora, Randall Porter, Robert Chambers, and Tracy Peterson

City: Scott Miller, Scott Johnson, Matt Neilson

Visitors: Rick Miller via zoom, Daniel Larson.

Administrative Support: Krisi Staten from ECIPDA


Chairman Richard Horner called the meeting to order.

Administrative Items

The September 24,2020 meeting minutes were motioned to be approved by Douglas Hancey and second by Tracy Peterson. The motion was approved with all members saying “Aye.”

The below invoices were motioned to approve by Tracy Peterson, and second by Bill Riggins. The motion passed with all member saying “Aye.”

  1. Standard Journal: $1236.76
  2. Madison County Treasurer: $25.00
  3. Forsgren Associates: $14,346.25
  4. Madison County Tax Collector: $1,510.72
  5. Madison County Tax Collector: $2,605.46
  6. Madison County Tax Collector: $1,695.30
  7. Elam & Burke. P.A.: $1,914.95
  8. City of Rexburg: $292,187.48
  9. City of Rexburg: $343,255.63
  10. Madison County Treasurer: $622.60

Randall Porter requested that for future meetings when there are large bills to pay they receive detail sent ahead of the meeting so an informed decision can be made on payment.

North Highway District:

The board discussed the Grover property, and the motion was made to surplus that property. The motion was made by Randall Porter and second by Douglas Hancey and Robert Chambers. All members voted “Aye.” The board discussed publishing an RFP for developers to tear down the house and build apartments. The RFP is written in two parts. Respondents may propose for both parts or just one. It will be published on December 8, 2020 and proposals are due February 4, 2021. The district will deed the necessary land on the parcel to the City for a rights-of-way to widen the road. The motion was made by Tisha Flora and second by Robert Chambers. All members voted “Aye.”

Rick Miller from ECIPDA was introduced. ECIPDA has been approached by the City to create more entrepreneurial workstation space. ECIPDA would like to build a new building next to the current Teton River Business Development Center on 4th North. They would move CEI to the new building allowing the space they currently occupy in the TRBDC building to be used by entrepreneurs. CEI has expressed their desire to expand their curriculum offerings in Rexburg and would most likely take up most of the new building. The property owners are willing to sell the land and Mr. Miller asked the board if they were willing to purchase the property. ECIPDA would use that purchase price as match for grants they will apply for to build the building. Rick was asked to prepare a white paper for the board and present it at the next meeting. Tisha would like a solid commitment from CEI that they would expand their footprint and she also asked for a list of all other identified projects for the district with the estimated cost of each project. This information will be reviewed at the next meeting.

Washington School District:

Richard Horner checked with the developers that proposed the apartment building. They would like to wait until spring to re-bid the construction. Costs came in high due to building materials costs. It was agreed that there is no other option, the board will allow the developers until spring to re-bid the construction.

Downtown District:

The board discussed the Allen Ridge building. There is no value left in it and it is becoming a hazard. The motion was made to surplus the property. The motion was made by Douglas Hancey and second by Tracy Peterson. All members voted “Aye.” The board has received bids to demolish the building. The low bid was $34,235. The motion was made to accept the low bid and have the building torn down. The motion was made by Douglas Hancey and second by Tisha Flora. All members voted “Aye.”

Next Meeting Date and Adjournment

The next meeting is scheduled for some time in January.

Minutes prepared and submitted by Krisi Staten

Approved by:  Board on ___________________________________________


Richard Horner, Chair