Rexburg Urban Renewal Agency
Meeting Minutes – April 27, 2022
Rexburg, Idaho

Members: Williams Riggins, Tisha Flora, and Doug Smith. Randall Porter and Traci Peterson via Zoom
City: Scott Miller, Matt Neilson, Mayor Merrill, Dan Torres, and Justin Beard
County: Bradley Peterson
Visitors: Kirt Harmon and Chris Bateman. Meghan Conrad, Steven Adams, and Abbey Germaine via Zoom
Administrative Support: Taylor Carr from ECIPDA

Chairman William Riggins called the meeting to order.

Administrative Items
The March 16 and April 20 Meeting Minutes were reviewed. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Tisha Flora and seconded by Traci Peterson. The motion was approved with all members saying “aye.”

The invoices listed were motioned to approve and pay by Randall Porter and seconded by Doug Smith. The motion passed with all members saying “aye.”
1. Parkers Septic Tank Services: $1,550.00
2. Elam & Burke: $3,510.00
3. Elam & Burke: $132.50
4. Elam & Burke: 1,481.00
5. Elam & Burke: $1,459.50
6. ECIPDA: $693.50
7. City of Rexburg: $36,573.00
8. Rudd & Co: $4,725.00

District Discussions
North Highway District
The budget was reviewed and needs to be amended. A public hearing needs to be held to allow for those changes to be made. Will occur sometime next month (day and time TBD).
A letter of intent for the closing of the District has been written. A motion to approve the letter was made by Doug Smith and seconded by Randall Porter. The motion was approved with all members saying “aye.”

Washington School District
Abbey Germaine presented the history and intent of Horner’s Corner. The land was owned by the Washington School District, but now needs to be reverted to the City. Resolution 2022-03 was introduced to command the property in exchange for relinquishment and directs surplus funds to go to the County District. Money is owed to the city so the agency will be returning the assess to the City in lieu of payment. A motion to approve Resolution 2022-03 was made by Tisha Flora and seconded by Traci Peterson. The motion passed with all members saying “aye.”

Downtown District
No discussion.

University Boulevard District
No discussion.

North Interchange District
On the Southwest Corner of 2nd East and Moody Road, the Harmon family would like to build a car wash. Scott Miller presented the budget and the following extraordinary costs the RURA would help with:
1. Sewer lift and Sewer Line: $29,212 (total is the 50% that the RURA would pay with the Harmon’s)
2. Stop Lights: $25,600
3. Widen Canal Bridge: $139,140

The stop lights and widening of the canal bridge are already in the budget. The sewer lift and sewer line are not. A motion was made by Randall Porter and seconded by Tisha Flora to add the sewer lift and sewer line cost to the CIP budget. The motion was approved with all members saying “aye.” The Board expressed and discussed their concerns about spending money on a single business’s needs. It was decided that it would be a band aid to a larger problem if only a pressure line and sewer line were added. It is known that The Church of Jesus Christ will be building in the same area and sewer and water will need to be added sooner or later. Investing in sewer and water for the entire area will prepare the area and encourage more businesses to come.

A motion was made by Tisha Flora and seconded by Randall Porter to approve and consider all other items that may need to be amended to the budget. The motion was passed with all members saying “aye.”

North Central District
Dan Torres presented the Fiber Buildout plan, in partnership with the County. 20 miles of fiber is to be placed around the city. Additional money is requested per district budget. Budget needs to be adopted before 2023. Budget approval needs to be submitted to the County. Chairman Riggins asked that Board Members review requests and come ready with intelligent questions, so budget can be adopted.
The following Districts request the following amount for Fiber Huts and Construction:
1. North Highway District: $254,343.35
2. North Central District: $543,334.51
3. University Boulevard District: $725,518.25
4. North Interchange District: $555,455.91

General Discussion
– Banking & Investments: Scott Miller introduced Chris Bateman of Time Value Investments (Public Funds Investing). He introduced his company and discussed options for the City for investing. A motion was made by Tisha Flora and seconded by Doug Smith to set up an account with TVI. A motion was made by Tisha Flora and seconded by Doug Smith to allow Matt Nielson and Scott Miller to work with Chris and TVI to find investment paths for the city. Both motions were passed with all members saying “aye.”
– Discussion of Possible Future Districts: No discussion.
– Broadband Initiative: No discussion.
– Open Discussion: No discussion.
– Executive Session as Needed: No discussion.

Next Meeting Date and Adjournment
The next meeting will be Wednesday, May 18, 2022, at 12:30PM.

Minutes prepared and submitted by Taylor Carr.

Approved by Board on ___________________________________________

William Riggins, Chair