December 13, 2018 Rexburg URA Minutes

Rexburg Redevelopment Agency

Meeting Minutes- December 13, 2018

Rexburg, Idaho



Members: Traci Peterson, Richard Horner, Doug Hancey, Randall Porter

Visitors: Matt Nielson, Keith Davidson, Scott Johnson, Bron Leatham, Daniel Torres, Scott Miller

Administrative Support: Katie Cook


Chairman Richard Horner called the meeting to order at 12:00PM

Approval of Meeting Minutes:

The Chairman opened the floor to approve the meeting minutes from the July 26, 2018 meeting. Randall Porter made a motion to approve the minutes and Traci Peterson seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Approval of Invoices:

There were two invoices presented to the board. The first was from the City of Rexburg for $88,487.55 for the completion of the North Interchange road improvements. The second was also to the City of Rexburg for the University Boulevard Road improvements and sidewalk upgrades for $299,642.42.

Doug Hancey moved to pay the invoices to the City of Rexburg and Randall Porter seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Review of Financial Status (As of 9/30/2018)

The board reviewed the financial report at the end of FY 2018 and the final expenses and revenues for the year. There were no questions from the board.

Authorize Audit Engagement

Chairman Richard Horner presented a letter of engagement to Rudd and Co for the yearly audit to the Rexburg Redevelopment Agency. Doug Hancey moved to authorize the letter of engagement with Rudd and Co. for the annual audit and Randall Porter seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The cost estimate for the audit is $4,120.00

Washington School District:

  • The exclusive right of negotiation contract with Mike Jensen expired 90 days after endorsed. Mike Jensen is aware of the termination and agreed to let the Redevelopment Agency to find a new project for that area.
  • Authorization of New Exclusive Right of Negotiation. Bron Leatham presented a concept of what his proposal would be for the area. It would be an apartment building with 41 units and be 3 stories tall or if the city zoning will change it could be 54 units with 3-4 stories and that would need to include underground parking. The individual units would be about 650 square feet each with one or two bed rooms. The unique things about this project is that the residents could buy the condo affordably as well as to have an underground and an above ground parking place. Also, it has enclosed staircases for comfort. Traci Peterson made a motion to sign the Exclusive Right of Negotiation Agreement with Bron Leatham for a 6-month period with the possibility of extending the agreement and Doug Hancey seconded. The motion passed.

Downtown District:

  • Basic American Foods has decided to make their Rexburg Office larger and to expand somewhat, which would increase the number of trucks coming and going from their facility. Because of that and several other businesses, 7th North will become quite problematic for traffic. These problems will necessitate a change to the roads. The proposal brought before the board was to install several traffic lights. The board ultimately decided to wait on making a decision on this project until more information was obtained.
  • Keith Davidson also proposed a project to the board of an Entrepreneurial “Food Incubator” where local entrepreneurs have a space to prepare their products in an environment approved by health inspections. It would also be a space where owners of food trucks and start up businesses could prepare their goods and have another area where the public could come in and sample the prepared foods and receive immediate feedback from the consumers. Keith Requested that during the time they occupy the Rexburg Redevelopment owned building for the incubator that they will not be charged rent off of University. The building is scheduled for demolition in about a year or two, so it is understood that the time would be short, only long enough to start with the funding available from grants and then the facility would be moved to another building at a later time before the demolition. Again, the board decided to wait for more information before voting on the proposal until the next meeting.

North Highway District: N/A

University Boulevard District: N/A

North Interchange District: The project has been updated to begin in the Spring of 2020.

General Discussion: N/A

Next Meeting Date and Adjournment:

The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be announced at later date.

Minutes submitted by: Hannah McDonald

Approved by:   Board on ________________________


Richard Horner, Chair